Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our Langkawi Christmas Adventure!

Our Christmas day was fairly relaxed, we hung out on the beach most of the day, then got massages right on the beach while someone played a bunch of cover songs on an acoustic guitar. We exchanged photos, music and stories back at our hotel with Greg and Lisa (that's Greg above drinking a beer with a monkey). We went out for Indian food that was fantastic then hung out at a reggae bar on the beach. The waitress there recomended a place called the Sunba. We formed a human blockade across the main street and demanded, well asked, for a ride to the bar from the first car that crossed our path, they were happy to abblige. The Sunba was horrible, except for one malaysian pool player with a really cool mustache. We caught a taxi back to our hotel, from a taxi driver giving out free butt pats. We saw that our Indian restaurant was still open at 3am. We stopped and got some of the worst Indian food from the same place where we had just had some of the best, sardine masala we think. We said our farewells to Greg and Lisa because we had to catch a taxi to the pier at 6:30am the next morning. Our taxi never showed up so we hitched a ride with about 5 minutes to spare before our boat left for the mainland. From there we caught a 7 hour bus ride to Kuala Lumpur that took 9 hours. The bus station in KL was the closest thing I've seen to hell on earth (Sam's point of view, Alix thought the culture was awesome). We quickly booked a night bus to Singapore in to spend as little time there as possible. We were woken up at 3:30am buy a bus driver screaming "Chakbala Chakbala!" He told us to follow the people ahead of us, not mentioning it was customs, then drove off with our passports, we chased him down and eventually made it safely into Singapore. After about 22hours of travel we paid $4 to crash on the couch of an already full hostel. Merry Christmas!

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