Saturday, April 4, 2009

Recapping New Zealand

The last couple weeks in NZ were fairly uneventful, and we're falling behind on our blog so we'll be brief. We spent most of our time driving around trying to cram in everything we wanted to see into a couple weeks. We went to see the Franz Joseph Glacier, we decided not to do the hike on it because we were both a little under the weather and walking on a giant ice cube didn't seem like a good idea at the time, though we did snap some photos (above). We spent a few nights in the little peninsula town of Kaikoura, enjoying the views of snow capped mountains and ocean together. We spent a day enjoying the fruits of the Malbourough wine region, chocolate, Pino Noir, liquers, double-baked-blue-cheese-suffles and mussel chowder, then spent a few nights in Picton, a little port town where we stayed in a hostel with bikes, kayaks, and two cool cats. We took a ferry to Wellington, where Alix ran into a few friends from UCSC, small world! We relocated a car for a free ride back to Auckland, where we stayed with the same people we started the trip with. Apart from spending most of our time there in court, we were just happy to make our flight to Fiji!

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