Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On to the East Coast!

From Margaret River we headed south to Augusta, where we stayed in a hostel and cooked our first meal in two months, steak and beans, mmm. This was a sleepy town where the Indian Ocean meets the Southern Ocean. We then drove to Perth to stay with Flavia and Eric, Uncle Nick's friends from Michigan who were gracious hosts who showed us around Perth. We went to Cirque de Soleil and visited the popular Little Creatures Brewery. We flew to the east coast and landed in Brisbane, where we picked up our Wicked campervan. Alix got butt naked to get us one free day of rental, naked special. Our van, pictured above, is the Wicked Pirate Yankee Van, all the wicked vans have quotes spray painted on the back, ours is "women fake orgasms because they think men care...", we get some dirty looks but more laughs. Some of our other favorite wicked quotes are "save the whales, guddle a japanese fisherman" and "death once had a near Chuck Norris experience." We drove north to the Frasier Coast to camp out in our van for the first night, decided not to go to Frasier Island because they were charging ridiculous prices for ferry rides, and we couldn't take our dear new ride with us. We're proud to say that we haven't paid for a campground since renting our van, we've been asking locals where the police don't ticket and finding secluded spots on the beach where we can watch the sunrise! Most recently though, rest stops have been our landing spots, as pictured below (about to enjoy a curry feast in the parking lot!)

1 comment:

Nurse Nellie said...

Did you really get butt naked to get a free day with your fan?? Alix!!!! What am I going to do with you, crazy girl :)